Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We are smart People

"In a survey on the global awareness of children and teens, in ten countries, students in Nigeria the only African country included- ranked highest showing the strongest grasp of international affairs. Dead last was the United Kingdom just below the United States (Essence Magazine pg 123 Feb 2008)
Enough Said.
We are smart people despite the fact that a lot of people think all we do in Nigeria is 419. The average Nigerian is very concerned about getting an education. Even families, that are illiterate strongly encourage their children to get an education. A Nigerian will actually go to the hottest or coldest part of the globe to get an education. I bet you that there is at least one Nigerian in every University campus in the United States.
To all my fellow Nigerians I Say "Rock On" cause we Rock!


Anonymous said...

My question is why do they go back home and not contribute to the community that they live in? How can you live in a huge, beautiful house surrounded by bad roads and the slum?

madam t said...

I agree, but most black american communities in the United States are no different. I think it's more of a black thing than nigerian thing