Saturday, February 9, 2008

It takes a village..... raise a child.
Sometime ago, I was on a grocery line waiting to pay for my grocery, when I overhead an exchange between the cashier and the lady in front of me.Apparently, the lady who had her child in the shopping cart was cussing out the cashier because the cashier had told the lady's daughter to sit down in the cart or risk falling out. The lady went on and on, Its not your business, its my child blah blah blah. Most of the people on the grocery line were actually very suprised at the lady customer but refused to say anything
Few months later, I was watching TV and saw a report about a 14 yr boy who had been expelled or suspended for stoning his teacher. His mother was on TV saying 'oh he's just a child, he did not mean it, the punishment was too harsh, she even talked about race even though this school was a predominately minority school and the Principal who suspended or expelled the boy was AA.
My question is are parents becoming too sensitive or whats happening to parents?
Back in the day, while I was growing up, all my neighbors, family, teachers were responsible for my upbringing. I was quite a sweet child so I did not get a lot of whooping (lol) but trust me, that did not stop people from reporting my bad behavior to my mom, who in turn whooped me. My Mom always said "If you dont turn out good tommorrow, people will say you're your mother's child" I was scolded by family members, teachers, neighbors and everyone else who counted. I'm grateful today that I grew up in a society where my parents were not over sensitive about people scolding me or correcting me. I notice that sometimes, parents even have a problem with grandparents discipling the grandkids. If Grandma did not kill you, do you think she'll kill your child? Now If you were abused as in physically, then maybe there is a problem because you might have flashbacks and not want your child to go through that. Thats understood, or if you suspect, the adult scolding your child is being abusive or vindictive, then stand up for your child.
But aside from that, if a reasonable adult scolds or corrects your child, it might be for your good. Remember it takes a village to raise a child or the justice system to try to rehabilitate your grown no good child

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